Convinced that biodynamic viticulture is the answer to achieve more authentic and respectful wines with the environment, this year we seek to further improve our work in the field. For this reason, the usual visit of our consultant René Piamonte, who travels twice a year to help us with biodynamic preparations, was joined by Bruno Follador, one of the most important compost specialists in the world in the biodynamic movement.
Born in São Paulo and trained in the United States, for Bruno, composting is not only a form of waste management and a means to increase yields, but a development of a personal relationship with composting & terroir as a living individuality.
With this approach and with the participation of Bruno and René, Koyle begins a new era in the preparation of compost and biodynamic preparations, with a strong emphasis in teamwork. Its guidelines will help us to refine relevant aspects of the composting process, such as adequate humidity, so that the fermentation of compost is as quick and explosive as possible, as well as how to bring more concepts of biodynamics to the winery.